Many catholics and others use these images to pray and reflect on the last hours or passion of jesus christ. See a professional video about the via dolorosa christs path to the cross. The soldiers drove nails through jesus hands and feet. Many people suffer pain every day from being sick, hungry, poor, and because of war or natural disasters. This is the complete list of the 14 stations, as st francis defined them. The traditional 14 stations of the cross or way of the cross. Holy mother, pierce me through in my heart each wound renew. The form here, prepared by the episcopal churchs office of government relations, offers the.
Stations of the cross prayer booklet pdf 1 jesus is condemned to death. The body of jesus is taken down from the cross we adore you, o christ, and we praise you. Stations of the cross in both traditional and scriptural versions. Since of the 14 traditional stations of the cross, only eight have clear scriptural foundation, pope john paul ii introduced a new form, the scriptural way of the cross on good friday 1991 and performed them at the coliseum in rome on good fridays during his reign. Consider how jesus, in making this journey with the cross on. Definition of stations of the cross in the dictionary. The 14 stations of the cross explanation paints jesus last human path. Catholics walk to the fourteen stations of the way of the cross and stop to pray at each one.
This free instant download is a perfect stations of the cross list to give to children or those learning more about the stations of the cross any time of year. Sportsleader stations of the cross workout every lent the church encourages us to pray the stations of the cross. R because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world. The stations are commonly used as a mini pilgrimage as the individual moves from station to station. He has already experienced profound solidarity with so many on this earth, by being beaten and tortured. On the pages that follow you will find the 14 stations of the cross with pictures, the story associated. The 14 devotions, or stations, focus on specific events of his last day, beginning with his. The church through the centuries has used many forms of praying the stations of the cross. The 14 stations of the cross also known as the way of the cross, via crucis, via dolorosa, way of sorrows has been a christian devotional practice going back to the time of st. This document can be handed out to students when the project is assigned. The students will be expected to create a 14 slide powerpoint presentation reflecting on the 14 stations. By journeying through the stations we walk with jesus on his way to the cross. Stations of the cross, a series of 14 pictures or carvings portraying events in the passion of christ, from his condemnation by pontius pilate to his entombment. Joseph took the body, and wrapped it in a clean linen shroud, and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn in the rock.
Station of the cross way of the cross this devotion arose in jerusalem during the middle ages when pilgrims retraced the steps of the via dolorosa, the distance from the praetorium, where jesus was condemned, to calvary, where he was cruci. Michael ogunu stations of the cross or way of the cross. Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world. But as i walked the stations and stopped at each one to picture jesus with his cross in that gospel scene, meditate on scripture, and pray i experienced god working powerfully in my life. We adore you, o christ, and we praise you, because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world. If you know of some good resources for the stations of the cross, please share them.
We are committed towards renewing and rebuilding a strong catholic faith, through writing, preaching, and outreaches. The stations can be displayed outside in a park but are usually found inside churches. I came to realize why countless christfollowers had been using the stations of. Stations of the cross for children the word among us. On the path, it is possible to revive the path that leads through torment and death to heaven. Stations of the cross resources catechists journey. Jesus willingly accepts and patiently bears his cross. We want to reach out to every part of the world with this message, by forming our organization in every catholic parish and school and by. The stations of the cross represents the events happened to jesus during the last hour of his life. Structurally, mel gibsons 2004 film, the passion of the christ, follows the stations. The stations of the cross originated in pilgrimage to jerusalem and a desire to reproduce the via dolorosa.
Apr 26, 2011 ancient cross marks and signs of the 6th station of the cross, jerusalem via dolorosa. We aim at helping catholics understand better the message of jesus christ through words of mouth and charity. The 14 stations of the cross explained blasting news. It is not unheard of for normalization to be propagated based on what was common in the area of the roman see and, lacking better evidence. This can be a moving experience for individuals or families. My favorite stations of the cross document is the one that cardinal ratzinger performed the last easter before he became pope. Unlike the traditional form of the stations of the crossthough in common with the revised form of that devotion introduced by pope john paul ii on good friday 1991all the stations of the resurrection are based on scripturallyrecorded incidents contained in the four gospels and the acts of the apostles. The stations of the cross are a 14 step catholic devotion that commemorates jesus christs last day on earth as a man. The stations of the cross hymns are printed on the reverse hymn numbers refer to hymns old and new these stations of the cross are offered with the intention that by our sharing in the eucharistic sacrifice the universal compassion of christ should grow in us. Stations of the cross for our times about these stations. For this purpose, one visits a certain number of stations fourteen since the six teenth century, stopping before each and meditating on the. Johns parish church on the creighton university campus. Along the stations of the cross and in the old city, you can find many stands and stores offering holy land christian souvenirs, gifts and crafts marking the way of the cross.
Children love having their own copy and even coloring the beautiful pictures of jesus on his way of the cross. When the soldiers came to jesus, they saw that he was already dead so that they did not break his legs, but one of them opened his side with a lance, and immediately there came out blood and water. The pictures of the stations of the cross taken from church of the holy trinity, gainesville, virginia. In this prayer, fourteen traditional events in the passion of jesus are recalled and meditated upon. Scriptural way of the cross joyful heart renewal ministries. The stations of cross or way of the cross is a series of 14 artistic images that depict the passion of the christ and his crucifixion. Kneeling before the altar, make an act of contrition, and form the intention of gaining the indulgences, whether for yourself or for the souls in purgatory. We offer these stations as a resource for use by parishes during the season of lent or on good friday. Printable stations of the cross booklet according to st. At each station we use our senses and our imagination to reflect prayerfully upon jesus suffering, death, and resurrection. Stations of the cross from a douayrheims bible the stations of the cross, also known as the way of the cross, is normally prayed each friday during lent. Help the athlete grow closer to christ by experiencing the fatigue, sweat, effort that our. Blasting news library the scriptures give evidence of the path jesus took as he journeyed to the cross on good friday.
What does it mean to have a part in the cross of christ. The stations of the cross or the way of the cross, also known as the way of sorrows or the via crucis, refers to a series of images depicting jesus christ on the day of his crucifixion and accompanying prayers. Often, the stations of the cross is an action prayer. Stations of the cross franciscan friars of the atonement. Information and translations of stations of the cross in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Those who have visited jerusalem probably went on a tour of what is believed to be the actual path jesus walked on his way to the cross. The via dolorosa 14 stations of the cross jerusalem map. If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
Pilate brought jesus outside and said to the people, what shall i do, then, with the one you call the king of the jews. The stations of the cross began many years ago when pilgrims journeying to jerusalem traveled along the same path. Comprising of 14 stations, each depict moments leading up to jesus crucifixion. Imagine the scene in jerusalem as jesus walked his way of the cross. Printable stations of the cross for children booklet and. Stations of the cross for protestants and catholics the. No particular readings or prayers are prescribed for the fourteen. Read it online, print, or listen to the traditional audio recording below.
The 14 stations of the cross is a route that almost any pilgrim or tourist walk when visiting the holy land christian sites. A bilingual englishspanish dramatic presentation of the stations of the cross is prayed on good friday at 11 am. Stations of the cross for our times ossory diocese. The stations grew out of imitations of via dolorosa in jerusalem which is believed to be the actual path jesus walked to mount calvary. The stations of the cross for our times have been devised by the faith development services team at the request of the vicars forane of the diocese. Download the pdf of the stations of the cross for children to help you pray during lent. Annes helper free printable stations of the cross pdf booklet with prayers to print your own way of the cross devotional booklet or you can read it online. The pious practice of praying the stations of the cross originated in medieval europe when pilgrims were unable to visit the holy land, so instead visited these holy places. The stations of the cross are also celebrated in jerusalem each year by thousands of christian pilgrims along the via dolorosa. View an online presentation of the stations of the cross for children. The 14 devotions, or stations, focus on specific events of his last day, beginning with his condemnation. It involves meditating at way stations on the way to the cross, recalling jesus journey along the via dolorosa in jerusalem on good friday.
Under the weight of the cross on the way to golgotha. A simple and useful lenten printable resources featuring the 14 stations of the cross. Praying the stations of the crossalone or with a groupis a lenten tradition. Reflections on the stations of the cross lent, 2012. The 14 stations of the cross represent events from jesus passion and death. On jesus way to the cross on good friday, there were some definite places of significance along the way.
Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the skull which in aramaic is called golgotha. The stations of the cross for young adults the stations of the cross is a centuriesold form of prayer used traditionally in lent. For example, the religious complex of santo stefano in bologna, italy, replicated the church of the holy sepulchre and other religious sites, including mount of olives and valley of josaphat. Stations of the cross sometimes called way of the cross is a popular lenten devotion that has very ancient roots. Stations of the cross according to the method of st.
In this video were going to learn about and pray the 14 stations of the cross. Stations of the cross for our times bishop of ossory. This site is offered by creighton university s collaborative ministry office. Far be it from me to glory in anything save in the cross of my lord and redeemer. It is my suspicion using this article, but this is, at best, speculation, that it happened to be that the 14 stations which are used today happen to be the 14 stations which were used at the time in rome. It originally began as a roman catholic devotion and is commonly done during the season of lent, and especially on good friday.
Stations with coloring pages stations of the cross for children loyola press downloadable pdf for children or online version. Opening prayer holy god, be with us now as we meditate on your sons journey to. It was prayed by early christian communities, especially in the fourth century, when the roman empire began to recognize christianity. Prayerful meditation through these stations is a common practice during lent and on fridays throughout the year in a number of christian faith traditions. What is the significance of the stations of the cross. The photos of the stations of the cross are courtesy of st. Fourteen of those spots are called stations of the cross. The stations of the cross depict 14 events in the passion of jesus christ, beginning with jesus being condemned to death and ending with his body being laid in a tomb. For this purpose, one visits a certain number of stations fourteen since the six teenth. Stations of the cross minibook 15 page booklet featuring pages that are 4. Printable stations of the cross booklet print this stations of the cross pdf booklet here. Jan 29, 2018 stations of the cross minibook 15 page booklet featuring pages that are 4. Today is good friday, the day traditionally set aside in the year to remember the death of jesus on the cross. Apr 25, 2015 see a professional video about the via dolorosa christs path to the cross.
When the sabbath was past, mary magdalene and mary. For the erection of the stations of the cross fourteen crosses are required, to which it is customary to add fourteen pictures or images, which represent the stations of jerusalem. Stations of the cross definition, description, history. The origin and significance of the stations of the cross. In his suffering and death, christ reveals to us the truth about god and man. Sportsleader would like to introduce a way to combine working out and praying the stations.
What are the stations of the cross and what can we learn from. It shows a detailed account of all that happened, plus all the sites where they took place. The stations of the cross are a 14step catholic devotion that commemorates jesus christs last day on earth as a man. The pious exercise must be made before stations of the way of the cross legitimately erected. Jesus is condemned to death v we adore you, o christ, and we praise you. Prayers are taken from the stations of the cross in the colosseum, rome. The stations of the cross have been practiced by roman catholics, anglicans, and lutherans, though other christian denominations are learning the value of this practice, said to have begun with st.
Stations of the cross devotions and prayer saint michael. In that document which includes a gospel reading, meditation and prayer for each station, there are 14 stations. The good friday celebration of the passion of our lord in. Follow jesus on the stations of the cross soul shepherding. But the significance of the stations of the cross is immense for christians. Good friday is one of only two days in the year that roman catholics do not have mass. In the 12th century, st francis of assisi devised the list and started the tradition of reciting it as a type of devotional service. The bilingual stations on good friday are a devotion and not part of the official good friday liturgy. Catholic for life, catholic prayers, stations of the cross, way of the cross. Feb 22, 2018 in this video were going to learn about and pray the 14 stations of the cross.
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